Programming Fundamentals Lab Manual 14
Programming Fundamentals Lab Manual 14 Statement Purpose: One of the secrets of the low latency is that each implementation can generate a custom built fix engine based exactly on the schema it requires. Activity Outcomes: Describe the notation of exception handling React correctly when certain exceptions occur Use Java’s exception-handling facilities effectively in classes and programs 1) Stage J (Journey) 2) Stage a1 (apply) Lab Activities: Activity 1: Java program that extends java Exception class. Solution: class MyException1 extends Exception1 { private int ex; MyException1(int a) { ex=a; } public String toString() { return "MyException1[" + ex +"] is less than zero"; } } class Test { static void sum(int a,int b) throws MyException1 { if(a<0) { throw new MyException1(a); } else ...